Should I impregnate my exterior wall against moisture?

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Are you asking yourself if impregnating your exterior wall makes sense? We can be brief about that: Yes! It impregnating your exterior wall against moisture ensures that your wall is resistant to penetrating humidity, mould, pollution or weathering for many years. An additional advantage is that impregnating your exterior wall with the Super Impregnator dirt-repellent and fire-resistant. Still doubting whether impregnating your exterior wall makes sense? Or are you just curious about the best way to start impregnating yourself? Then read on quickly!

What should you pay attention to when impregnating your exterior wall against moisture?

It is important that you read the steps below before getting started with the Impregnating your exterior wall. We explain how to get started easily. Do you already have Super Impregnating Agent? Great! If not, drive to the shop for the or order the product online first. In the meantime, of course, you can already start preparing to impregnate your exterior wall against moisture.

  • Make sure the exterior wall is free of clay and other loose parts. For best results, before impregnating your exterior wall, clean the wall with Super Degreaser or Super Industrial Cleaner.

  • Check that the wall is completely dry and that the outside temperature is at least 8°C.

  • To avoid splashing, cover windows and paving before you start impregnating your exterior wall. Did you spill the product anyway? No problem, clean immediately with Super degreaser or Industrial cleaner. It is also advisable to wear gloves when treating your outside wall.

  • You can apply the product using a flow or spray method in strips from top to bottom. Make sure the wall is completely wet, the impregnating agent should be absorbed using about 0.5 litres per square metre.

Are you going to have a exterior wall impregnation against moisture, but not sure if it has been treated before or you have treated it once before? Then go for Super Impregnating Agent Solvent. Once you have carried out the above steps, your exterior wall will be protected against moisture and dirt for 10 years!

Super Impregnating agent suitable for all exterior walls?

Super Cleaners's impregnating agent can be used on various substrates, both older and new/porous. It can be used on baked stone, concrete, sand-lime brick, plaster, natural stone and other moisture-absorbing substrates. Do you still doubt whether the product is suitable for your substrate? Then contact with us and we will be happy to help you.

Before and after photo of exterior wall impregnation against moisture with SuperCleaners

Why impregnate my exterior walls?

Impregnating your exterior walls against moisture has many advantages, we list them for you:

  • Moisture and dirt repellent
  • No more mould
  • Fire-retardant
  • Graffiti repellent
  • No more cracks in joints and bricks.

Are you already convinced or do you still have questions? Let us know directly via

To impregnate your exterior walls against moisture, you will need the following

Super Impregnating Agent 5L

Super Impregnating Agent Solvent 5L

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