The new sulphuric acid plunger legislation

Dear retailer,

From 1 February 2021, new legislation on precursors (explosives) will come into force. This means that, among other things, various raw materials can no longer be sold to consumers.Two of our products fall under this legislation, namely:
- The Super Unblocker with item number cons200010.1l and cons200010.500ml
- The Super Urine Stone Remover with item number cons200020.
These products may therefore no longer be sold to consumers from 1 February 2021.
Business selling:
However, the products may be sold to business end-users. There are a number of rules for this:
1. The retailer signs the form below (once a year) declaring to SuperCleaners Retail that the above products are sold B2B only.
2. Business end-users register easily and quickly via our website and hereby declares that they are using the product for business application. This form will be on our website from 1 February and you can register. Prefer to register yourself? You can do that too! Then follow the steps below. 
1. You can print out the form yourself and save the completed form
2. You can also monitor transaction details and statement of business use online in your system at item level.*
3. The retailer has a duty to report suspicious transactions and/or theft of
aforementioned products.
Still have questions? Please feel free to contact with us! We will be happy to answer your questions.
*Registration explanation: on the SuperCleaners Retail website, an end-user can register easily, quickly and securely by answering a digital form with 3 questions. Retailers can also choose to facilitate the registrations themselves, by storing the transactions and the declaration of business use in their own (digital) system. SuperCleaners Retail processes the registrations through an online portal and stores this data only when requested by regulator and ILNT.


SuperCleaners-Urinestone remover