How can I remove graffiti from brick myself? You can read about it here!

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Graffiti is very persistent. This makes it difficult to remove from all types of surfaces. Most often, we see graffiti on exterior brick walls. Many people then ask: how can I remove graffiti from brick? In this article, we will tell you how to do so and what to watch out for when applying it.

How do I remove graffiti from brick myself?

This is a question many people ask themselves. We at SuperCleaners explain to you how to do this in a few simple steps. With us, no home remedies that damage the bricks, but one product that removes dirt very effectively. This is the Super Graffiti remover. The professional solution against graffiti. Professional? So is this difficult to use? On the contrary, the Super Graffiti Remover is very user-friendly and removes graffiti in no time. Ideal!

The product is very carefully formulated in our lab. Like all SuperClenaers products, Graffiti Remover contains a high amount of active ingredients. In addition, the product is liquid, making it suitable for both absorbent and non-absorbent substrates. This ensures that the Graffiti Remover is also particularly effective on brick. 

Removing graffiti from brick is how you do it:

  • Using a block brush, apply a coat of Super Graffiti remover to the contamination
  • Then leave this on for 8 to 10 minutes
  • Rinse off the contamination, preferably with warm water at 80 ºC. A high-pressure washer may be useful here.
  • Apply an anti-graffiti protective agent to the substrate immediately after application. This ensures that graffiti adheres less next time and is easier to remove.

If the desired result is not achieved, repeat the above steps with a longer soaking time.

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What should I look out for when removing graffiti from brick?

Graffiti removal can go wrong. This is because not every product is equally suitable for every surface. However, we at SuperCleaners can reassure you. With the Super Graffiti remover, you know that when it comes to removing graffiti on brick, you are in the right place. Just make sure you follow the steps in our instructions for use. If you do, nothing can go wrong.

Why choose SuperCleaners?

Choosing SuperCleaners means choosing an environmentally friendly approach. Unlike other chemical solutions, Super Graffiti remover is biodegradable and does not harm bricks. In addition, SuperCleaners's product is many times more effective. Choosing SuperCleaners is the best solution for you, the substrate and the environment. 

The eco-friendly approach does not only apply to Super Graffiti remover. For instance, almost all our products are biodegradable, our packaging is made of recycled plastic and the boxes we transport our products in bear the FSC seal of approval. This means that the boxes come from sustainable forestry. 

So do yourself, the bricks and the environment a favour and choose SuperCleaners!

For after graffiti removal from brick

Graffiti removal is done with:

Super Graffiti remover

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