Cleaning the smell of cat pee

One or more tomcats have been spraying extensively and now you are the one to clean this cat pee. With a mop and detergent, you have already gone over the dirty spot and removed the pee. Unfortunately, that nasty, pungent smell does linger incredibly. Of course, you want to remove that unwanted smell too, otherwise you'll keep smelling the cleaned-up cat pee. What is the best way to tackle this cleaning job? The experts at SuperCleaners explain it to you in detail in this informative article. In no time, the room in question will smell wonderfully fresh again!

How can you remove the smell of cat pee?

To clean cat pee and remove this smell, you have The Super Stench Destroyer needed. This cleaner is enzyme-based, so even the most stubborn odours can be removed with this product. The nice thing is that the odour destroyer leaves an instant fresh scent. You can use this product in homes, litter boxes, litter bins, toilets, rubbish containers, smoking areas and other musty areas. This way, you will not only remove the smell of cat pee, but instantly get rid of any unwanted odour. This odour remover is ready to use, so you can immediately follow the step-by-step plan below and destroy all smells.

Super Stench Destroyer

Step-by-step plan: cleaning cat pee and removing the smell

Do you want to clean cat pee and also remove this pungent smell immediately? You can do so with the Super Stank Destroyer in combination with the following steps:


  1. Clean the spot where the puddle is.
  2. Spray the odour remover where cat pee has been.
  3. Is this not possible? Then spray the product in the area of the unpleasant smell.
  4. If the smell doesn't go away, you can spray the remover again.


You'll notice that after this cleaning job, you won't smell anything of the cat pee that was present before. Does your cat urinate outside the litter box more often? Then consult your vet on how to prevent it in a pleasant way for you and your dear pet.

Find out in which shops you can buy the odour destroyer

SuperCleaners cooperates with various specialist shops. So there is always a shop near you that sells the Super Stank Destroyer. Would you prefer to order this cleaner online? Check out the list below to find out which shops sell this product. Place your order today so you can quickly clean and remove the smell of cat pee. Do you still have questions about this job or want more information about our products? Then feel free to contact our customer service team. We will be happy to assist you!

Order the odour cleaner and get rid of nasty odours

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