
Preventing deposits on facade

The exterior walls of the house get a lot of wear and tear. If the external walls are not treated, this can start to have consequences over time. For instance, deposits can start to build up on the exterior walls and once it is on them, it is difficult to remove.

Preventing deposits
Instead of removing deposits, it is much better to prevent them.
This is because once the scale is on the external wall, it takes a lot of time and
in addition, a lot of money to get the facade clean again.

On an untreated facade, green deposits can easily take hold.
Algae and mosses are especially quick to find themselves on façades where the sun hits them a lot
state. Besides looking unkempt, the deposits can also cause
the joints slowly crumble. This is through proper
treatment all preventable.

The solution
SUPER Impregnating agent by SuperCleaners Retail is an extremely suitable product for preventing deposits on façades. The product is a water-based professional impregnation agent. SUPER Impregnation Agent is suitable for impregnating both existing and new porous substrates, such as baked stone, concrete, sand-lime brick, plaster, natural stone and various other moisture-absorbing substrates.

The product is ideally suited to prevent moisture problems, frost damage, corrosion,
general soiling, growth of mould, moss and algae. The product guarantee of around 10 years
does prove that it is the perfect solution!

The steps
For lasting results, follow the following 6 steps:

  1. Remove sand, clay and other loose particles from the substrate.
  2. Before treatment, clean (degrease) the substrate with Super Degreaser or
    Super Industrial Cleaner
  3. Assess the substrate for present moisture. Allow to dry thoroughly before applying the
  4. Take precautionary measures to avoid splashing on plastics, paving and glass.
  5. In case of any spills, clean immediately with Super Degreaser or Super Industrial Cleaner.
  6. Apply the product to the substrate using a flow or spray method at a temperature of at least 8 °C and dry weather. The impregnating agent must be well absorbed with a minimum consumption of 0.5 litres per square metre. If this differs, a second treatment should be carried out at all times.
SUPER Impregnating agent is a multifunctional maintenance and cleaning agent. The product page shows the various applications of the product. The SuperCleaners Retail range includes many more multifunctional maintenance and cleaning agents!